People are inherently good.

However, we might experience barriers to doing the right thing. Often technology can be used to remove those barriers. Whether it is to make it easier to have a healthy lifestyle, to make personalized learning available for more students, or to inform people to make more sustainable choices, technology can help.

For people

Don’t get me wrong. Technology is not the solution to all problems and it is never a goal in itself. It always starts and ends with people. So technology should be built with people in mind, it should be inclusive and easy to use.

Solving problems and inspiring the team

My decades-long experience gives me confidence that anything broken can be fixed. I love a challenge, especially solving problems with a smart team. I can inspire and rally people towards a goal and build the team required to achieve it. I’m here to make a dent in the universe.

Active Tech

My current focus is on health and sustainability (see Active Tech), but I’m also interested in education and digital security.